
ctd 2020 3

Clinical Trials Day: Lab & Pharmacy

Clinicals Trials Day is May 20, 2020, and we are celebrating all roles in research teams this week! Today's highlight is Lab & Pharmacy staff. Last but not least, laboratory and pharmacy staff are an important part of the research…
ctd 2020 2

Clinical Trials Day: Principal Investigators

Clinicals Trials Day is May 20, 2020, and we are celebrating all roles in research teams this week! Today's highlight is Principal Investigators. Principal Investigators (PIs) are the main researchers leading and overseeing a clinical…
ctd 2020 1

Clinical Trials Day: Study Coordinators

Clinicals Trials Day is May 20, 2020, and we are celebrating all roles in research teams this week! Today's highlight is study coordinators.

Melanoma & Skin Cancer Awareness Month: The History & Science Behind Sun Protection

May is both Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. It is estimated that 1 in 5 Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime. There are three main types of skin cancer:…
testicular cancer

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month: Chemotherapy and Clinical Trials

April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month in the United States. Nearly 10,000 men will be diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2020. 1 in 250 men in the United States will get testicular cancer in their lifetime. While relatively uncommon…
cancer prevention

Cancer Prevention: Colorectal Cancer & Aspirin

February is National Cancer Prevention Month. This is a great time to focus on habits to lower your risk and prevent cancer, not just for the month but for the years ahead. These habits include improving diet, exercising, quitting smoking…
cervical cancer

Cervical Cancer Awareness: Impact of HPV Vaccine

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. Every year, more than 13,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in the United States. However, cervical cancer is preventable with vaccinations and regular screening. Human papillomavirus…
mncctn map 2019

Minnesota Cancer Clinical Trials Network: 2018-2019 Progress & Successes

Since its launch in 2018, the Minnesota Cancer Clinical Trials Network (MNCCTN), has enrolled more than 350 Minnesotans on prevention, symptom management, and cancer treatment protocols near their homes in Greater Minnesota. The network,…
ctd 5

Clinical Trial Myths: Day 5

Clinical trials are only available in big cities, and I’ll have to travel far distances to participate. It is true that traditionally clinical trials were more readily available in metropolitan areas, especially at large academic…
ctd 4

Clinical Trial Myths: Day 4

Clinical trials are only for really sick people who have exhausted all of their treatment options. Many people believe clinical trials are only available if there are no other treatment options, or are only for people with terminal…