Clinical Trials Day: Principal Investigators
Clinicals Trials Day is May 20, 2020, and we are celebrating all roles in research teams this week! Today's highlight is Principal Investigators.
Principal Investigators (PIs) are the main researchers leading and overseeing a clinical trial. A PI comes up with the study idea, writes the protocol, and leads the operation of the trial. PIs are often a medical doctor or a researcher with a PhD from an academic institution.
The PI leads the study team and oversees all aspects of the study. This involves ensuring the protocol is properly executed, protecting the rights and safety of participants, managing the research team, handling protocol changes, completing paperwork, and more.
The PI is also assisted by an Investigator or Sub-Investigator. This role serves to carry out the daily operations of the study, under the supervision of the PI. Investigators can have a wide range of duties, such as conducting data analysis, collecting specimens, conducting basic research, determining study results, and more. Like the PI, an Investigator typically has an advanced degree, such as MD or PhD.
MNCCTN is grateful for the PIs that lead our studies statewide. The network is always interested in hearing from PIs about potential studies. You can find out more about working with MNCCTN and what studies may be a good fit for the network here.