mncctn fair

MNCCTN Participates in Goldy Vs. Cancer at the Minnesota State Fair

The Minnesota Cancer Clinical Trials Network (MNCCTN) had a table at the Minnesota State Fair on August 30, 2018. This was a part of Goldy Vs. Cancer at the State Fair, a day in which the Masonic Cancer Center, University of Minnesota and University of Minnesota Health took over the UMN building. The MNCCTN table was staffed by MNCCTN staff, as well as representatives from partner organizations.

Fairgoers learned about MNCCTN, cancer, and clinical trials through an interactive trivia game. Participants were also given MNCCTN business cards and brochures to learn more MNCCTN and its mission.

MNCCTN also created a map with circles around each of the 18 MNCCTN sites, with the circles representing a 30-mile radius around each site. Fairgoers were encouraged to place a sticker on their city on the map. This helped MNCCTN staff and the participants visualize where fairgoers were from all across the state and which MNCCTN sites were closest to them.

Overall, MNCCTN’s first time at the State Fair was a great success. In all, over 20,000 people came through the building at Goldy Vs. Cancer. Fairgoers commented on how much they enjoyed Goldy Vs. Cancer, especially the giveaways and the interactive nature of the activities this year. MNCCTN is excited to participate in Goldy Vs. Cancer at the State Fair again in the future.

mncctn state fair