Analytical Biochemistry

The Analytical Biochemistry shared resource provides state-of-the-art chemistry services and expertise in mass spectrometry, bioinformatics and advanced data analysis, and biomarker quantitation, including access to an Agilent Seahorse XFe96 metabolic analyzer. These three complementary specialties afford a center of expertise for a full range of chemical and biochemical services in support of the peer-reviewed research of Cancer Center investigators.

The Analytical Biochemistry shared resource offers sensitive and quantitative methods for determining important compounds in human urine, blood, or DNA.

See full Biomarker Quantitation Services

The Analytical Biochemistry shared resource provides bioinformatics and advanced data analysis support. Advanced mass spectrometry data analysis services are available including processing of high resolution accurate mass spectra for various “-omics” type screening assays.

See full Bioinformatics and Advanced Data Analysis Services

The Analytical Biochemistry shared resource provides a variety of molecular identification, characterization and quantitation capabilities to its users utilizing a variety of mass spectrometers (see below). Both liquid and gas chromatographic separations are provided as are a range of liquid flow rates and ion sources.

See full Mass Spectrometry Services


Peter Villalta, PhD
[email protected]
Office: 2-143 CCRB
Lab: 2-210H CCRB

Biomarker Quantitation coordinator
Sharon Murphy, PhD
[email protected]
Lab: 2-240 CCRB
Office: 2-127 CCRB

Bioinformatics and Advanced Data Analysis coordinator
Scott Walmsley, PhD
[email protected]
Office: 2-163 CCRB

Agilent Seahorse Analyzer
Ameeta Kelekar, PhD

[email protected]
Lab: 5-222 MCB
Office: 5-126 MCB