Targets of Cancer Training Program

The Molecular, Genetic/Epigenetic, and Cellular Targets of Cancer Training Program (TCTP) provides  graduate students and postdoctoral fellows rigorous laboratory-based training in the biology of cancer at the Masonic Cancer Center. An NCI-awarded Cancer Biology Training Grant provides financial support and specialized training that will allow students and fellows to establish themselves as independent investigators who will pursue research into the etiology and treatment of cancer.

Research opportunities in the laboratories of 39 preceptors at the Masonic Cancer Center cover the broad areas of cell metastasis/angiogenesis, immunology and cancer, cancer genetics/etiology, and cancer therapy. Research is conducted in state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, including the Masonic Cancer Research Building (MCRB), Nils Hasselmo Hall,  Molecular and Cellular Biology Building, and the Winston and Maxine Wallin Medical Biosciences Building and Cancer and Cardiovascular Research Building in the Biomedical Discovery District. Trainees also have access to the numerous core facilities provided by the Masonic Cancer Center. 

All trainees supported by the Cancer Biology Training Grant must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.