Peter Villalta, PhD

Director, Analytical Biochemistry Shared Resource
Contact Dr. Villalta:
Peter Villalta is the Director of the Analytical Biochemistry Shared Resource and a Research Professor in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry. He received his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Minnesota in 1995, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, Colorado. He has an NIH NCI Research Specialist Award which allows the majority of his effort to be dedicated to DNA adductomic analysis and other advanced mass spectrometry-based analysis in support of NCI-funded research by members of the Masonic Cancer Center.


Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Minnesota

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Research Summary/Interests

Dr. Villalta’s primary research is focused on the development and use of DNA adductomic methodologies to characterize covalent modifications of DNA from xenobiotic exposures and endogenous processes, which are central to the etiology of chemical carcinogenesis.