Davis Seelig, DVM, PhD, DACVP

Director, Comparative Pathology Shared Resource
Davis Seelig

United States

Contact Dr. Seelig: [email protected]
Dr. Davis Seelig is an Associate Professor in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Seelig is a board-certified veterinary pathologist with training in both clinical and anatomic pathology and is the Director of the Comparative Pathology Shared Resource (CPSR). He obtained his DVM from Tufts University and completed residency training and received his PhD from Colorado State University, where he focused on the pathology of prion diseases in deer and mouse models. As Director of the CPSR, Dr. Seelig facilitates the provision of comprehensive comparative pathology support to the MCC research community. He is the Section Head of Clinical Pathology within the College of Veterinary Medicine and Co-Director of the UMN Veterinary Diagnostic Flow Cytometry Service. His own research emphasis is directed at the elucidating the mechanisms of cancer treatment-associated side effects, particularly the role of radiation in cancer related cognitive impairment.


  • Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine.
  • Director of the MCC Comparative Pathology Shared Resource
  • DVM, Tufts University, 2003
  • Residency in Anatomic Pathology, Colorado State University, 2007
  • Residency in Clinical Pathology, Colorado State University, 2008
  • PhD, Pathology, Colorado State University, 2011

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Board Certifications

Veterinary Clinical Pathology