Population Sciences
Tobacco Research Program
The Tobacco Research Program aims to help researchers characterize the harmful effects of tobacco on human health. To date a number of clinical trials including quitting and non-quitting studies have been initiated through the Tobacco Research Program.
For more information, go to https://tobaccoresearch.umn.edu/ or contact [email protected].
Institute for Global Cancer Prevention Research
The Institute for Global Cancer Prevention Research (IGCPR) led by Director, Dr. Irina Stepanov, fosters multidisciplinary research and innovation to inform cancer prevention practices and policy-level change.
Worldwide, people from marginalized communities often experience higher exposures to cancer risks and lack access to cancer screening and other preventative measures. The institute is addressing this issue by establishing partnerships around the world and prioritizing building capacity for translational and innovative cancer prevention research here at the University of Minnesota and globally.
Broadening and strengthening the capacity for tobacco research here at the University of Minnesota is also part of IGCPR's effort. IGCPR has developed a translational product assessment resource, which includes a new, state-of-the-art tobacco testing laboratory. This resource will foster innovative translational research by the University of Minnesota tobacco researchers and will be used in training programs for global trainees.
For additional information about our mission and funding opportunities, please visit https://igcpr.umn.edu/ or contact Operations Director, Tonya Gannelli at [email protected].
Screening, Prevention, Etiology, and Cancer Survivorship Program (SPECS)
The scientific goals of the Screening, Prevention, Etiology and Cancer Survivorship (SPECS) Program are to understand biological and behavioral factors in the etiology of cancer, to reduce behaviors that may lead to cancer or the enhance behaviors that decrease cancer risk.
SPEC research areas include Pediatric and adult cancer epidemiology, cancer reduction, cancer diagnosis, outcomes, and survivorship.
For more information go to https://cancer.umn.edu/researchers/research-programs/screening-prevention-etiology-cancer-survivorship-program.
Program in Health Disparities Research (PHDR)
Through the Health Equity in Policy Initiative, Program in Health Disparities Research seeks to bridge the information gaps, which exist between underserved communities, researchers, and decision makers through policy initiatives that promote the health and safety priorities of its community partners.
To get involved or for more information, go to https://med.umn.edu/healthdisparities or contact [email protected].
Educational and Funding Opportunities
University of Minnesota M-ASCEND
UMN M-ASCEND is a collaboration between the Program in Health Disparities Research and the Masonic Cancer Center. This is a theoretically guided, evidence-driven program designed to support the academic persistence of high school and undergraduate students underrepresented in science, and promote their developmental progress towards future careers in cancer research.
For more details on the M-ASCND program, please go to M-ASCEND: Advancing Science, Enhancing Diversity Program | Medical School (umn.edu) or contact [email protected].
T32 Cancer Disparities Training Program
The T32 Cancer Disparities Training Program seeks to train researchers who are prepared to conduct community-engaged research to develop, test, and disseminate interventions in both clinical and community settings to reduce cancer-related health disparities among communities most impacted by inequities.
For more information on the training program go to T32 Cancer Disparities Training Program | Medical School (umn.edu) or contact Rodolfo Batres at [email protected].
This comprehensive list of translational resources is provided by CRTI. Please direct all questions about content on this page to CRTI.