Membership Information
Member FAQ
What is the membership application process?
Applications for membership may be submitted via this form.
Please note that applicants must include a statement to the Masonic Cancer Center Directors regarding their primary and other areas of interest in cancer.
If all criteria are met, candidates will be notified by the MCC Directors of their appointment to the appropriate MCC membership category and program area.
What are the responsibilities of an MCC member?
Members are required to fulfill one of these responsibilities on an annual basis to maintain membership:
- Work with other members of the MCC to develop and participate in research, education, and clinical and service programs.
- Acknowledge MCC membership in cancer-related publications and presentations.
- Notify the MCC Administration Team of cancer-related intramural proposals and/or extramural grant applications in which the member is or plans to be involved.
- Obtain approval from MCC Administration Team prior to use of MCC Shared Resources.
- Provide information required for NCI Cancer Center Support Grant reporting.
- Participate in philanthropic activities.
What are the different levels of MCC membership?
There are three categories of membership in the Masonic Cancer Center:
Full members must have faculty rank at the University of Minnesota (assistant professor or above on the tenure or non-tenure track), have a commitment to cancer research, have published peer-reviewed cancer-related research, and/or cancer-related research funding.
Adjunct members are investigators from outside the University of Minnesota who have an ongoing affiliation with a program of the Masonic Cancer Center and who collaborate in MCC research.
- Affiliate members are University of Minnesota faculty or staff who contribute to the overall mission of the Masonic Cancer Center in the areas of research, education, patient care and/or community outreach.
Research Program members are selected by the Executive Committee based upon the following criteria: peer-reviewed funding and/or leadership in clinical trials, and participation in a cancer center research program. New faculty recruits with research interests that align with one of our programs may also be eligible for research program membership.
What are the benefits of being an MCC member?
There are several resources available to MCC members based on appeal, research impact, and function. Find more information about what's available on our Member Resources page.
In addition to the ability to use shared resources, MCC members may be eligible to:
- Receive an allocation of MCC coordinated space to conduct research, education, or patient care.
- Receive cancer center core grant funds.
- Obtain philanthropic funding from the MCC for cancer research.
- Apply for national competitive grants coordinated by the MCC.
Furthermore, MCC members are able to join Translational Working Groups (TWGs):
- Brain Tumor Program
- Breast cancer
- Gastrointestinal
- Gynecologic cancers
- Hematologic Malignancy
- Prostate and Urologic cancer
- Sarcoma
- Thoracic
Who can I contact if I have additional questions about membership?
Please contact Marina Sladojevic at [email protected], or call 612-626-5475.
Looking for MCC logos and request forms?
MCC Logos and Branded Templates
The MCC has logos, letterheads, and slide templates that meet MCC standards for use and are designed to establish and maintain the MCC brand across the University of Minnesota and in the public view.
Event Process Guide
To ensure that all events affiliated with the Masonic Cancer Center are shared in a timely manner with the MCC Administration and Marketing teams. This helps us keep conflicting MCC events, seminars, conferences, symposiums, etc. to a minimum.
Graphic Design Request Form
This graphic design request form is for MCC members and employees who have graphic design needs for upcoming events, logos, etc. There are specific lead time requirements for these projects—details can be found in the form below.