MCC MN-GEMS Ancillary Review Routing Chain and Dept IDs

Required MCC MN-GEMS Ancillary Review Routing Chain

ReviewerReviewer RoleMN-GEMS Review TypeMN-GEMS Response Required
11324 (Organization)Department HeadAdditional Dept Head / ChairYes 
AHCSH (Organization)DeanAdditional CollegeYes
ajohnson (Person)Unit AdministratorAdditional CollegeNo

MN-GEMS Funding Proposal View Access
Please grant the following individuals View Access privileges when preparing Funding Proposals that include investigators from the Masonic Cancer Center.

  • klein382 (Laura Klein)
  • cummi183 (Mackenzie Randolph)
  • nzier (Norrie Zier)

MCC Investigator Dept. IDs
Please note these Dept IDs in Funding Proposals that include investigators from the Masonic Cancer Center

Investigator NameDept ID Investigator NameDept ID
Balbo, Silvia11330 Miller, Jeffrey11328
Bazzaro, Martina11327 Murphy, Sharon11330
Cao, Qing11332 Nelson, Heather11329
Cichocki, Frank11328 Nguyen, Hai Dang11326
Davis, Zachary11328 Ostrander, Julie11327
Dehm, Scott11327 Pennell, Christopher11325
Eaton, Anne11332 Petersen, Ashley11332
Evans, Richard11332 Peterson, Lisa 11330
Felices, Martin11325 Sachdev, Deepali11327
Hatsukami, Dorothy11329 Sarver, Aaron11332
Hecht, Stephen11330 Seelig, Davis11336
Jansen, Rick11332 Shanley, Ryan11332
Kassie, Fekadu11330 Stepanov, Irina11330
Kennedy, Pippa 11328 Temiz, Nuri (Alpay)11332
Koehler, Linda11329 Tessier, Katelyn11332
Kumar, Akhilesh11328 Turesky, Robert11330
Lange, Carol11327 Villalta, Peter11331
Largaespada, David11326 Wang, Jinhua11332
Luo, Xianghua11332 Yee, Douglas11327


If the MCC investigator does not appear in this table, please contact Laura Klein for assistance.