Hormel Resources
Electron Microscopes
Hormel Electron microscope contains an in house cryo-EM microscope, available on request.
For more information go to https://www.hi.umn.edu/cryo-em-lab/userresources-2/cryo-em-usage/ or contact Janarjan Bhandari at [email protected]
Community Outreach & Engagement
The Community Outreach and Education department at The Hormel Institute works to identify community needs, expand education outreach and internships, and better connect the community to The Hormel Institute and The Hormel Institute to the community.
For more information, go to https://hi.umn.edu/hioutreach or contact Kelly Vincelette, Community Outreach and Education Manager, [email protected].
This comprehensive list of translational resources is provided by CRTI. Please direct all questions about content on this page to CRTI.