Microbiome and Cancer Symposium

Cancer & Cardiovascular Research Building

Research at the intersection of the microbiome and cancer at the University of Minnesota

The overall goal of this meeting is to showcase the exciting research at the intersection of cancer and the microbiome at the University of Minnesota, and to highlight potential new opportunities and spark new synergies between researchers across relevant fields of expertise. The event is organized as a combination of keynote lectures, flash talks, interactive discussions, and networking opportunities, to set the stage for the creation of new connections and collaborations and further develop the research in these fields at the University of Minnesota. Infrastructure available on campus necessary to build and develop cancer-microbiome collaborations will be presented. Finally, attendees will identify knowledge and expertise gaps within our research community to inform recruitment strategies to continue to build a robust interdisciplinary program focused on microbiome and cancer.

The target participants for this meeting are researchers, scientists, and clinicians working in the cancer research field who are interested in adding microbiome investigation to their research portfolio and microbiome researchers interested in leveraging their skills for cancer research. Those already developing research programs combining these fields are also strongly encouraged to attend. Registered participants will be invited to submit proposals for seed funds to support new collaborations at the intersection of cancer and the microbiome.

Registered participants will be invited to submit proposals for seed funds to support new collaborations at the intersection of cancer and the microbiome.

This is an internal event for University of Minnesota faculty, staff, and students. Registration closes on Tuesday, November 16. Only registered attendees who participate in the event will have access to apply for an award to facilitate new projects.

This event is framed around active engagement and includes unpublished information. For this reason it will not be recorded.

Call for Abstracts

Congratulations to our selected abstract poster and flash talk presenters! View the line up under the Agenda below.

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8:30 AM - Check-In & Breakfast

9:00 AM - Introduction by Douglas Yee, MD

9:10 AM - Keynote by Alexander Khoruts, MD

9:45 AM - Keynote by Masato Yamamoto, MD, PhD

10:20 AM - Poster Session

10:45 AM - Cores/Technology Presentations

                    -Genomics Center Overview by Kenneth Beckman, PhD
                    -Cancer Research Translational Initiative Overview by Deepa Kolaseri, PhD 

11:20 AM - Discussion led by Abby Johnson, PhD

12:15 PM - Lunch

1:15 PM - Speed Talks (from selected abstracts)

1:15 PM - Metabolic Exchange Between Microbiota and Human Cells in Colon Cancer Presented by Beth Adamowicz, PhD

1:25 PM - Immunosuppressive Microbial Metabolite Interactions in CRC Presented by Travis J. Gates, BA

1:35 PM - Novel Methods to Confirm Specific Pathogens in the Skin Microbiome Presented by Lynne Bemis, PhD

1:45 PM - Metaproteomics as a Tool to Reveal Microbial Contributions to Cancer Presented by Andrew Rajczewski

1:55 PM - Pilot study of ginger supplementation and the fecal microbiome in colorectal adenoma Presented by Ajay Prakash, MD, PhD

2:05 PM - Metaproteomic Analysis of Pap Test Fluid: Insights into the Cervical-Vaginal Microbiome of Mature Women Presented by Amy P.N. Skubitz, PhD

2:20 PM - Closing by Chris Staley, PhD

2:30 PM - Networking Social

3:30 PM - Adjourn


We rely on supporters to host this event and reduce the financial burden of attending. Supporters are invited to exhibit at the event and received recognition. Please contact the event coordinator for additional information. Exhibitor requests closed November 10, 2021

Thanks to our supporters!

caris logo
illumina logo
phase genomics logo

Contact the event coordinator, Lissa Martinez Huebner, with questions or comments at [email protected] or 612-624-7552.

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COVID-19 Event Information

We are pleased to offer this in person event while maintaining our number one goal of keeping attendees, staff, presenters, exhibitors, and the University of Minnesota community safe while learning.

As with any activity, there is inherent risk and the circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic have created a heightened degree of personal risk and responsibility. The Masonic Cancer Center, University of Minnesota is maintaining all legal and required measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 during this event.

How we are maintaining on-site safety:

- Masks are required when not actively eating or drinking. You may be asked to mask up if event personnel see you without a mask. Masks are available at the event.

- Additional PPE is welcomed. Gloves, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and masks are available at the check-in table.

- Attendees will be asked to review the CDC's Self Screening List to confirm they are feeling healthy and well to attend.

- Attendees are asked to choose a red, yellow, or green lanyard for their name tag as a nonverbal indicator to fellow attendees as to their comfort level. Red = I'm keeping my distance, Yellow = Let's talk but not touch, Green = Okay with high fives and handshakes

- Check-in and food pick up areas are designed to minimize time in lines and include grab and go menus.

- Increased cleaning and air filtration is being applied in event spaces.

- A separate area is available for individuals to eat away from the event dining space.


If you have questions or needs, please contact us at [email protected].