Goldy vs. Cancer at the Science Museum of Minnesota

Science Museum of Minnesota
Goldy Vs. Cancer at the Science Museum

The Science Museum and the Masonic Cancer Center, University of Minnesota invite you to join us at this exciting event! Come support Masonic Cancer Center researchers as they educate and engage museum attendees on everything from Cancer Bio 101 to hands-on laboratory research techniques! These activities are free to all museum attendees.

New in 2023, Goldy Vs. Cancer exhibits will be hosted throughout the museum to encourage maximum attendee engagement!

2023 Goldy Vs. Cancer Exhibitors

All of our family-friendly exhibits offer learning experiences and activities for all ages. Museum attendees will be encouraged to attend as many of our exhibit tables as you can, collect a stamp, and earn a prize as you leave.
  • Hallmarks of Cancer: How do good cells go bad and become cancerous?
  • Eww! Up Close with Cancer Tissues: Get a firsthand look at real human tissue samples with the Department of Lab Medicine & Pathology
  • What's That In Your Mouth? A Look at Oral Cancer with the School of Dentistry
  • Tobacco Jeopardy! Play the game to test your knowledge and learn new facts with Dr. Irina Stepanov's Lab Team
  • All in the Family: Did you know cancer can be passed down in your family? Learn what to look for in your family history and make a DNA bracelet with the Cancer Risk Management Program!
  • Good vs. Bad Bacteria: Learn about different types of bacteria & look at samples with the Hormel Institute
  • Fighting Cancer Around the World: come travel the world and learn how people in other countries lower their risk of getting cancer with the Institute for Global Cancer Prevention Research
  • Be a Cancer Researcher for an Afternoon with hands-on activities, including using a microscope and micropipette with the Lab of Douglas Yee!
  • Are You A Cancer Expert? Spin the wheel and test your cancer knowledge!
  • Don't Forget the Sunscreen: learn about skin cancers and how to protect yourself with the Medical School, Dermatology team
  • Squeak! Learn how scientists can use technology to change, delete or add genes to mice to help us understand causes of cancer with the Mouse Genetics Lab
  • 10,000 Families Research Study: learn about the study!
  • Cancer Fighting Foods: tackle a gardening project to bring home!
  • Cancer Research Saves Lives: what are cancer clinical trials? Learn more with MNCCTN!
  • A 3D Adventure Through Vaccines and Antibodies! How do scientists learn about new antibodies? How are new vaccines made and tested? Learn about the secrets behind these discoveries with the Herschhorn Lab
  • Pet Power: hear heartwarming stories about how studies of our pets have helped uncover cancer breakthroughs with the Animal Cancer Care and Research Program
More exhibitors coming soon!

How to attend

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How to attend

Purchasing tickets

1. On the SMM ticketing page, click on "Museum Admission" in the calendar on the day that you want to attend - Saturday, March 18 for Goldy Vs Cancer at the Science Museum.

2. Select the number of tickets needed. 

  • Note that "Great Tix" are available for $3 for students who receive Free/Reduced Price School Meals as well as any adults (over 18) who are enrolled in TANF | MFIP | WIC | General Assistance | Medical Assistance | MinnesotaCare | Supplemental Security Income | Social Security Disability Benefits | Food Stamps | Section 8. 
  • Additionally, all indigenous people receive free access to the museum, Omnitheater, and parking. Email or call to make these arrangements (more information is available on the access page).

3. Add Omnitheater tickets if you are interested!

4. Pay online and receive your electronic tickets. 

Please contact the Science Museum of Minnesota directly for any questions on ticketing and admissions.

Exhibitors & Volunteers

Masonic Cancer Center exhibitor registrations are being accepted now. Please review the sign up form and contact [email protected] with questions.

Sign up to volunteer at Limited volunteer roles are available.