Cancer Center Seminar Series

Presented by Masonic Cancer Center, University of Minnesota this interdisciplinary seminar series provides a venue for basic-science and clinical researchers to hear about cutting-edge work in all areas of cancer. The series features invited speakers and MCC faculty with expertise in selected topics related to cancer.

Seminars occur on Tuesdays, 9-10 a.m. in CCRB 1-125 or live streamed in MCRB 450.

Also available via Zoom.
Please use this URL to join virtually:
Meeting ID: 986 9271 3230

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Seminar Series Schedule

Seminar DateSpeakerSeminar TitleRecording Link
September 10, 2024Adam de Smith, PhD
University of Southern California
The Genetic Epidemiology and Early-Life Origins of Childhood LeukemiaView the recording
September 17, 2024Eric Rahrmann, PhD
The Hormel Institute 
Metastasis is NOT a phenomenon of cancerRecording is unavailable
September 24, 2024Giedre Krenciute, PhD
St. Jude
What will it take to make CAR T cells effective for brain tumors?View the recording
October 1, 2024Justin Drake, PhD
University of Minnesota
Proteomic approaches to nominate drug targets and assess biomarkers in prostate cancer View the recording
October 8, 2024Noha Sharafeldin, DrPH, MBBS
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Strategies to mitigate cognitive impairment in cancer survivors
Recording is unavailable
October 15, 2024Craig Byersdorfer, MD, PhD
University of Minnesota
Metabolic modulation to prevent graft-versus
-host disease and promote anti-cancer 
immune responses
View the recording
October 22, 2024Nelson Rhodus, DMD, MPH, Frank Ondrey, MD, MPH, FACS
University of Minnesota
Translational Research in Oral Precancerous Conditions: Innovations in Screening, Cohort Building, and Specimen CollectionView the recording
October 29, 2024Samuel Volchenboum, MD, PhD, MS
Data Commons to Support Pediatric Cancer ResearchView the recording
November 5, 2024Lai Guan Ng
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Neutrophil: One Trick Leukocyte?
View the recording
November 12, 2024Mark Headley, PhD
Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Immune Regulation of Pulmonary MetastasisView the recording
November 19, 2024MCC Trainee Flash Talks 
University of Minnesota
MCC Trainee Flash Talks
(Part of the Trainee Symposium)
Recording is unavailable
November 26, 2024No Seminar this week - Happy Thanksgiving!  
December 3, 2024Abby Girard, PsyD, LMFT
University of Minnesota
Exploring gynecologic cancer survivor sexual health: A qualitative look at provider communication and patient experience.View the recording
December 10, 2024Cindy Im, PhD
University of Minnesota
Late effects of therapy among survivors of childhood cancer: leveraging “big data” to stratify riskRecording is unavailable
December 17, 2024Justin Hwang, PhD
University of Minnesota
Examining our patients through MAGIC (Minnesota Annotated Genomics In Cancer)View the recording
January 7, 2025Kenny Beckman, PhD
University of Minnesota
What would you do if DNA sequencing were free? It's time to start planning: The Ultima UG 100 and the future of arbitrarily-deep NGS.View the recording
January 14, 2025

Robert Gruener, PhD
University of Minnesota

Noelle Gillis, PhD
University of Minnesota

Using Omics to Predict Drug Sensitvities in Cancer

Regulation of Super Enhancers by Phosphorylated Progesterone Receptors Drives Breast Cancer Stem Cell Expansion.

Recording is unavailable
January 21, 2025

Katherine Tossas, PhD
Virginia Commonwealth University

(Zoom only)

Community-omics​ - Using data to make sense of communities and communities to make sense of the data (Using data to address community concerns)View the recording
January 28, 2025Alexander Khoruts, MD
University of Minnesota
The pharmacology of live biotherapeutic products targeting the gut microbiomeView the recording
Februaruy 4, 2025Alessio Giubellino, MD, PhD
University of Minnesota
Melanoma Biomarkers through the Lenses of a PathologistRecording is unavailable
February 11, 2025Eileen Dolan, PhD
University of Chicago
Genetic and Modifiable Risk Factors for Chemotherapeutic-Induced NeurotoxicitiesView the recording
February 18, 2025Hai Dang Nguyen, PhD
University of Minnesota
Mechanistic and therapeutic targeting RNA splicing factor mutant cancers 
February 25, 2025Kristi Roybal, PhD, MSW, MA
Providence Health
Engaging Patients and Community Members in Qualitative Research to Advance Health Equity in Multi-Cancer Early Detection: Perspectives from a Large and Diverse Healthcare System 
March 4, 2025Theresa Keegan, PhD, MS
UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center
March 11, 2025No Seminar this week — Spring Break  
March 18, 2025Meng Wang, MA Cantab, MD, PhD, MRCP, FRCPath
Cornell University
March 25, 2025Soheil Meshinchi, MD, PhD
Fred Hutch Cancer Center
April 1, 2025James DeGregori, PhD
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Somatic evolution, cancer, and our inevitable decline with age – inextricably linked 
April 8, 2025Brittany Jenkins-Lord, PhD
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Biomarkers of Inequity: Assessing the role of LRIG1 in breast cancer disparities 
April 15, 2025TBDTBD 
April 22, 2024MCC Research Symposium  
April 29, 2025Jessica Hawley, MD, MS
Fred Hutch Cancer Center 
May 6, 2025TBD  
May 13, 2025Ivan Wu, PhD
University of Minnesota
May 20, 2025Heide Ford, PhD
University of Colorado Denver


Seminar presentations are recorded when possible and available to view on the MCC YouTube page. For more information: [email protected]

View past seminar series recordings here